Planning in 60 Minutes:
A simple guide to town planning (England)
Planning in 60 Minutes: A step by step guide to town planning in England will to help you get to grips quickly with the basics of how the planning system works.

Understand why the local plan is so important to development
Explore the planning applications process
Learn about CIL and S106 and how they fit in
Led by a qualified planner, this engaging and informative course provides a simple introduction to planning in England. It signposts tools to help deepen your knowledge of planning processes and explains some current issues in planning in practice.
Who is this course for?
If you are new to a planning role or planning project or have new responsibilities for leading a planning project team or service, this course is ideal for you. It will help you understand how your project fits in, how to navigate planning processes which can seem opaque and how to make sense of planning jargon. Participation will accelerate your understanding of the planning system and help you improve your effectiveness when working on planning projects.
What will you learn?
In this course you will learn about
planning applications
local plans
developer contributions (section 106 and CIL) and
how all of these these elements of the planning system all fit together. ​
You will also learn about changes to the planning system on the horizon and some current issues in planning practice.
What is the format?
This course is taught 'live' one to one via Zoom through a series of interactive presentations. The main part of the course is 60 mins but we schedule it for 90 minutes to ensure you have time to ask questions and discuss the course content. We limit the course to just one participant based on our extensive experience of online and in person courses. Our carefully designed (and tested course) pack hours of content into 60 minutes without subjecting you information overload. In addition, the one to one format gives you greater freedom and opportunity to ask questions and focus in on matters that are of the most interest to you.
How can you enrol?
Book your place on our next course below.
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75 British pounds